Sara Kokko
Hello, I'm Sara Kokko, founder and artistic director of The Fragrance of Love. I am a praise dancer, singer and music pedagogue (UAS). I am also doing bachelor's and master's studies in grow education. My studies include e.g. art education and family studies.
I have studies in different dance genres: ballet, contemporary, jazz and folk dance. I have ten years of team gymnastics background. In addition, I have danced at Jyväskylä's Christian dance school, Xaris Finland & Jyväskylä's dance academy. I have coached gymnasts in Jyväskylä's gymnasts Jyvo, Telinetaiturit of Espoo and Kokkola's Tzana sports services, holding gymnastics groups for adults and children. I have led worship dance groups in Finland in various churches, organizations and events.
I have performed dancing and singing at many events. I have experience in musicals and musical plays as a choreographer, dancer, composer and singer. I teach prayer and praise dance and dance fitness.
Outi Blomqvist
Hello, I am Outi Blomqvist, a professional in exercise, fitness and dance. I have been dancing for over 20 years in various dance genres, the main genres being show, jazz and contemporary dance.
I have performed and competed in different formations in Lahti, Jyväskylä and Helsinki, as well as abroad, mainly in Brazil. Experience in dance teaching has been accumulated e.g. From Jyväskylä's Christian dance school, Lahti tanhuuji and the international art group, M18.
I am a physical education pedagogue (MasrerBPA) by education, as a minor I studied e.g. dance pedagogy. In addition to dance, my interests in dance include body care methods and I am also an instructor of therapeutic methods. I have also discussed the theme in my thesis and published scientific articles in the area. I teach in The Fragrance of Love course: Body as an everyday resource course.
Heli Uotila
Hello, I am Heli Selja Uotila; psychologist and kindergarden teacher. My special expertise is issues related to education and children's lives; supporting parenting and children's balanced and healthy growth and development.
I have worked as a psychologist for children and adolescents, a counseling psychologist, a school psychologist and a psychologist for student care. I have a lot of experience in the early childhood field and the school world. I have also worked with career guidance and rehabilitation.
My heart's desire is to create a space where especially mothers and small children feel good without excessive performance pressure or stress. I am the leader of the Baby Blues course at The Fragrance of Love.
Hello, I am Leila Linjama, a dancer from Lahti.
I have eight years of ballet dance background and more than ten years of contemporary and jazz dance background.
Praise dancing has also been an important part of my life for a long time. I have taught children to dance for many years at Lahti Christian School.
A lot of experience can be found dancing and performing in different situations and events. I like to make choreographies, and I have experience in making choreographies.
I teach dance mix classes at The Fragrance of Love.